Washburn Point: A Stunning Yosemite Viewpoint

When driving Glacier Road, most people have Glacier Point as their ultimate destination in mind, and for good reason. Glacier Point is one of…

The view of Half Dome, Vernal Fall, and Nevada Fall from Washburn Point in Yosemite National Park.

When driving Glacier Road, most people have Glacier Point in mind as their ultimate destination and for good reason. Glacier Point is one of the most stunning viewpoints Yosemite has to offer. However, just a mile shy of Glacier Point is a similar vista in Washburn Point.

Washburn Point was named for the three Washburn brothers, who built the original road connecting Wawona to Yosemite Valley in the late 1800’s. This vista is easy to get to and is an excellent alternative to Glacier Point should you find yourself unable to find a parking lot (or don’t mind a bonus stop).

In this post, we’re going to cover multiple topics such as the parking situation, what you’re able to see from here, what to expect, best time to visit, and more. Let’s get into it.


How to Get to Washburn Point and Parking

The welcome sign and parking lot for Washburn Point in Yosemite.

Getting to Washburn Point is fairly straightforward. From the valley, the easiest thing to do is to follow the signs to Bridalveil Fall and Tunnel View. If you’re already on Northside Drive, you’ll keep left to loop back to Southside Drive and veer right onto Wawona road. If you’re on Southside Drive, though, you’ll need to loop back onto Northside first, as the main road in Yosemite Valley is one-way.

Once on Wawona road, you’ll pass Bridalveil Fall on your left and Tunnel View on your right before entering Wawona Tunnel. From the tunnel, you’ll travel for about eight miles before coming to Glacier Point Road where you’ll turn left onto. If you’re coming from the southern entrance of Yosemite, continue for about seventeen miles before turning right onto Glacier Point Road.

From this juncture, you’re roughly fifteen or so miles from Washburn Point. Keep in mind that if you’re driving an RV (or towing one) you cannot take it to either Washburn or Glacier Points as those vehicles are prohibited past the Sentinel Dome/Taft Point parking lots due to the (very) narrow road and tight bends.

The parking lot for Washburn Point in Yosemite.

Washburn Point’s parking lot will be on your right. It’s paved and can comfortably hold around three dozen or so vehicles. During peak times it can be difficult to snag a spot here. If this happens during your visit, your only option will be to circle around and try again as there’s no parking on the road allowed.

There are no bathrooms at Washburn Point. For that, you’ll need to go further down the road to Glacier Point or circle back to the Sentinel Dome/Taft Point parking lots. Additionally, there are no bear lockers for your food. Though they’re not entirely necessary as you’re never out of eyeshot of your vehicle.

Also, there are no free park shuttles to Glacier Road. Additionally, the paid tour shuttle only stops at Glacier Point. It does not make stops at any other trailheads. Your only option for Washburn is to drive your own vehicle, or hike to Glacier Point from the valley and then walk the 3/4 of a mile road to Washburn. Though I’ll caution against this option as the road has no sidewalks and can be dangerous for pedestrians.


Washburn Point in Yosemite

The viewing area at Washburn Point in Yosemite

To call Washburn Point a ‘hike” would be quite the stretch as the only thing between you and the incredible scenery is about twenty concrete steps. The viewing deck below is large enough to contain a decent crowd with additional space on either side.

If you or someone you’ll be traveling with have mobility issues or you’ll be pushing a stroller, simply head to the north end of the parking lot and use the ramp to access the viewing deck.

As stated above, the view at Washburn Point is similar to that at Glacier Point, but at more of a side profile. The details of the “Grand Staircase” leading to famed Vernal and Nevada Falls are more clearly visible than they are down the road.

A view of the Mist Trail, Vernal Fall, and Nevada Fall from Washburn Point in Yosemite.
A view of Half Dome, Vernal Fall, and Nevada Fall from Washburn Point in Yosemite.

Directly in front of you, you’ll have a commanding view of Half Dome (the back side), Liberty Cap (the granite mountain that looms over Nevada Fall), Vernal Fall, Nevada Fall, Mount Broderick, North Dome and a peak of Cloud’s Rest. To the right, you’ll have a vast view of the Clark Range, with Mount Starr-King and Illilouette Falls in the foreground.

A photo of the Clark Range from Washburn Point in Yosemite.

Washburn Point is also one of the best sunrise and sunset spots in Yosemite. Keep in mind that because of that, it usually results in higher crowds and tougher parking conditions. Sunset, in particular, can be a tough time to go, but is well worth the effort.

It’s eons easier at sunrise as most Yosemite visitors have yet to wake up. Once the sun has risen above the mountains, though, Washburn Point can be a tough spot to get good photos as the sun tends to produce harsh light here (as you can see in the photos in this post).


Best Time of Year to Visit Washburn Point

The view of Half Dome from Washburn Point in Yosemite.

Washburn Point is located along the famed Glacier Road. Due to the heavy snowfall this area of the park sees, the road closes to vehicles in the winter. It’ll typically close in late October or November, and doesn’t reopen until spring (usually in late March or April).

In the winter, it’s possible to use skis to access Glacier Road from the Badger Pass Ski Area. Most people do this to access Glacier Point but since Washburn is on the way it makes for an easy (and excellent) bonus stop.

If you’re like most people, though, you’ll likely visit when the road opens to vehicle traffic for the spring, summer and fall seasons. Spring, in particular, is a great time to visit Washburn Point as you’ll be able to see (and hear) Nevada and Vernal Falls at their fullest flow.

While fall brings about the beautiful golden foliage the Sierras is known for, the flow of the waterfalls will be all but depleted by this point. You’ll still see some flow, but nothing like spring and early summer. Keep this fact in mind when planning your visit.

Planning a trip to Yosemite? If so, be sure to read 10 Awesome Things to Do in Yosemite Valley on Your First Visit. In addition, don’t forget to visit Yosemite’s famed east side. Finally, if you’re planning to hike Half Dome, read my How to Hike Half Dome for First Timers Guide.

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Yosemite National Park Kevin Yosemite National Park Kevin

Tunnel View: How to See the Most Iconic View in Yosemite

In Yosemite, we are blessed with dozens of these. Iconic, easily recognizable landmarks such as Half Dome, El Capitan, Yosemite Falls, Bridalveil Falls, Glacier Point, Tuolumne Meadows…

One thing you’ll notice about national parks is that the majority of them have that one view, attraction or trail that everyone has seen or at least knows about. They’re so popular that most people could simply look at a photo and will know exactly what and where it is.

In Yosemite, we are blessed with dozens of these. Iconic, easily recognizable landmarks such as Half Dome, El Capitan, Yosemite Falls, Bridalveil Falls, Glacier Point, Tuolumne Meadows, The Mist Trail, The Awahnee Hotel, Hetch Hetchy and more can be found in the valley and throughout the park.

However, amongst all of these is one viewpoint where you can stare in awe at quite a few of the above mentioned landmarks. One viewpoint that is so recognizable and popular that it’s been featured on hundreds of Yosemite publications throughout the years. That viewpoint is Tunnel View.

How to Get to Tunnel View in Yosemite

The view of Yosemite Valley as seen from Tunnel View.

Thankfully, seeing this beauty for yourself requires little effort as you’ll simply park your car, get out and take in the view. If you’re coming from the valley, follow the signs to Glacier Point (HWY 41). You’ll turn right and head uphill for about 1.5 miles to the parking lot on your right.

If you’re coming from the southern entrance, follow the posted signs to the valley. Once you reach Wawona Tunnel, you’ll want to start slowing down because the main parking lot will be to your immediate left after exciting the tunnel. Additionally, there’s a smaller parking lot across the road.

Depending on how crowded it is during your visit, both lots may be full (pro tip - they probably will be). Thankfully, people don’t tend to spend a lot of time here as aside from the view, there’s nothing to do, so there’s a lot of come-and-go. If the lots are full, just circle back around.

The near empty Tunnel View parking lot during the covid-19 pandemic.

During my first visit, every spot was taken, causing us to circle around a couple times (it was Father’s Day weekend, to be fair). Making matters worse were the tour busses dropping off hordes of tourists. Prepare yourself for this possibility as Tunnel View is one of the main stops for tour companies.

My most recent visit was much different, though. Covid-19 did a number on tourism and Yosemite was no exception. As you can see in the photo above, there was plenty of available parking in the middle of the day and I was able to walk right up to the wall without having to fight for a spot. It’ll likely never happen again, so don’t depend on this.


What to See at Tunnel View in Yosemite

A view of El Capitan from the Yosemite Valley floor.

From Tunnel View, you’re able to see and photograph many of Yosemite’s top landmarks all in the same frame. The most notable of which include El Cap, Half Dome, Bridalveil Falls and Sentinel Dome. You’ll also get an up close look at the historic Wawona Tunnel. It’s the longest tunnel in the park and where you’ll go if you want to drive to the attractions along Glacier road.

This is where most people will take in the view. However, if you have extra energy to burn and want to ditch the crowds, there are two other spots that offer similar views but with far less people around. These, however, require a little bit of effort to reach.

The two viewpoints mentioned above Artist Point and Inspiration Point. Both offer similar, yet slightly different views of the same one you get at Tunnel View. The biggest advantage to both is that because of the steep, half mile climb to get to each one it tends to see less people. Some argue that either or both offer a superior view because they’re at a higher angle.

A scale model of Tunnel View at Yosemite National Park.

The trailhead for both is located in the smaller of the two Tunnel View lots. As stated above, the first half mile is going to be a steep, uphill slog and for Inspiration Point, you’ll need to fight your way through an unmaintained section of trail towards the end.

Directions wise, both are the same in the beginning (technically, you’re on the Pohono trail), but you’ll eventually come to a split. To get to Artist Point, turn left here and follow it for another half mile. For Inspiration Point, you’ll cross the road and begin your trek through the aforementioned unmaintained section of trail. Inspiration Point is on a granite shelf overlooking the valley.


Best Time to Visit Tunnel View

Honestly, anytime is a good time. The view will be slightly different dependent upon the season. Winter will feature the snow-covered granite slopes of El Cap and Sentinel Dome, while Fall features beautiful yellow and orange hues in the trees below. Even the dead of summer is a great time, but you’ll be there in the height of the tourist season and high temperatures that accompany it.

Time of day is another conversation. If you just want to see it and snap a few photos, getting there first thing in the morning when the crowds are lightest is best. If you really don’t care about photo quality and don’t mind crowds, then just show up whenever.

Planning a trip to Yosemite? If so, be sure to read 10 Things to Do in Yosemite Valley on Your First Visit. Additionally, check out Hiking Half Dome in Yosemite if you’re considering conquering Yosemite’s most epic day hike. Finally, to save money on vacation packages to epic destinations such as Disneyland, Walt Disney World, Universal Studios and several cruise lines, visit my friends at Get Away Today.

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10 Awesome Things to Do in Yosemite Valley on Your First Visit

Of all the many sections of Yosemite National Park, the valley is what gets the bulk of the attention of most visitors and for…

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The Yosemite Chapel in Yosemite Valley.

Of all the areas of Yosemite National Park, the Valley is where the bulk of park visitors go and for good reason; it boasts some of the parks most famous attractions, such as Half Dome, Yosemite Falls, El Cap, Tunnel View, Happy Isles and much more.

This post doesn’t intend to tell you what the best sights are, as most other websites and blogs do. Being the “best” is up to each person’s interpretation. What I may consider the best, others might disagree. Additionally, there are so many equally beautiful things to see in Yosemite Valley that labeling any of them the “best” would devalue the others, in my humble opinion.

So instead, this post will use the word “awesome” to describe the sights I’m about to recommend. There are many others, but if anyone in my family or friend group were visiting Yosemite for the first time and asked for my recommendations, these are what I would start with in order for them to get a well-rounded first visit of the Valley. Let’s get into it.

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1) Tunnel View

A photo of Tunnel View in Yosemite during a cloudy day.

No visit to the Valley would be complete without seeing the classic postcard view of Yosemite, so it’s only fitting we begin here. You can reach Tunnel View by following the signs to Glacier Road (Hwy 41). They’re dotted all along the main road on the valley floor. You’ll turn right at the sign pointing towards Glacier Point and head up 1.5 miles to the viewpoint’s parking lot.

From the viewpoint, you’ll get an unparalleled view of some of Yosemite’s most iconic landmarks; El Cap, Bridalveil Falls, Half Dome, Sentinel Dome, and more. The crowds get thick at Tunnel View, as this is a popular tour bus stop. The earlier you arrive, the better. For additional information on Tunnel View, read my post at the link below.


2) El Cap Meadow

A photo of El Capitan in Yosemite from the Valley floor.

Seeing El Capitan from Tunnel View is one thing, but seeing it up close and personal from the meadow below is a whole lot better. The best part? Due to its massive size, you can see it from just about anywhere in the meadow surrounding it.

Parking is plentiful on both sides of the road but in the busy summer months, it can be difficult to come by. If you can’t find a spot, just circle around. You’ll likely come across one eventually. The meadow makes for an excellent place to picnic and view El Cap climbers as they make their way up its face.


3) The Mist Trail

Vernal Falls in heavy mist on The Mist Trail in Yosemite.

The Mist Trail is one of the premier hiking trails of not just the valley, but the entire park. Two beautiful waterfalls, Vernal & Nevada, are the main features of the trail, along with the infamous (and quad bursting) stone steps. The latter (Vernal) provides the mist that the trail is famous for in the spring and early summer months.

The trail is on the shorter side, coming in at 3 miles round-trip if just going to Vernal Fall. It’ll be 7 miles round-trip if moving on to Nevada Fall as well. Despite its relative shortness, the trail is steep and you will have to navigate hundreds of the slick, stone steps at both waterfalls. If you have the stamina, this hike is a must.

READ ALSO: Hiking The Mist Trail in Yosemite National Park


4) Yosemite Falls

A photo of Lower Yosemite Falls from the Valley floor.

Made up of three falls (upper, middle, & lower), Yosemite Falls stands at a commanding 2,435 feet and is one of the parks biggest (literally) attractions. Most people view the falls at the base from the viewpoint located just across the road from Yosemite Valley Lodge.

If you want to get up close and personal with it, though, hiking the Upper Yosemite Falls trail will take you to the top where epic views of the valley await you. The trail is strenuous and is about 7 miles, round-trip.


5) Half Dome

A photo of Half Dome as viewed from Glacier Point in Yosemite.

Not for the faint of heart, but worth every ounce of effort, Half Dome is the undisputed king of popular hikes in Yosemite. In order to partake in this one, you’ll need to apply for a permit. If you’re one of the lucky ones to get a permit, prepare yourself for a challenging, but rewarding experience.

You’ll make your way up the Mist Trail, get up and over Sub Dome and finally grab hold of the cables to hoist yourself 400 feet to the top. If you’re preparing to hike Half Dome or are considering it, read my post below for guidance.

READ ALSO: Half Dome: The Ultimate Guide To Yosemite’s Best Day Hike


6) Ansel Adams Gallery

A photo of the exterior of the Ansel Adams Gallery in Yosemite.

Located in Yosemite Village, The Ansel Adams Gallery features many photographs from one of the most famous photographers in the world. If it’s in your budget, you can even purchase some of Ansel’s most iconic works for yourself.

Ansel Adams made a name for himself on his photographic art in not just the Valley, but the park as a whole and beyond. Seeing the park through his lens is something no visit to Yosemite would be complete without.


7) Indian Village

A photo of Indian Village in Yosemite Valley.

Indian Village is located within Yosemite Village, right behind the visitor center. It features several exhibits of dwellings, a sweat house, pounding rocks, Chief’s house, and a ceremonial roundhouse that were used by the Miwok Tribe. Additionally, there are examples of cabins used by early, non-native settlers.

It is a great place to take a leisurely stroll and at the same time, learn fascinating history about the people who not only originally discovered Yosemite before anyone else, but called it home for many years before it was stolen from them.


8) Glacier Point

A photo of Half Dome as viewed from Glacier Point in Yosemite.

Even though it’s outside the bounds of the valley, I’m still going to include it as the views from it are of the Valley. From the valley, follow signs to Highway 41and drive through Wawona Tunnel, following the road for about thirty miles. You’ll reach Glacier Point at the road’s terminus.

You’ll be at an elevation of 7,214 feet above sea level and 3,200 feet above the Valley itself. There’s a short trail that makes its way along the rim, a cool geology hut and a recently renovated visitor center, to name a few things. Many come here for the epic view of Half Dome, but Glacier Point has so much more to offer, so be sure to spend time looking around.


9) Bridalveil Fall

A photo of Bridalveil Fall in Yosemite Valley.

Likely the first waterfall you’ll see after entering Yosemite Valley, Bridalveil Fall plunges 620 feet to the Valley floor and is one of the parks main attractions. You can view the fall from Tunnel View or you can utilize the paved trail that goes from the parking lot to the base.

Bridalveil flows year round but is most impressive in spring and early summer. If you visit during these times and go to the base, you will likely get wet, so be sure to protect those cameras. Bridalveil Fall has recently reopened after a multi-year renovation project of its parking lot, restrooms and trail.


10) Cook’s Meadow Loop

A section of the Cook's Meadow loop trail in Yosemite Valley.

Lastly, no visit to Yosemite Valley would be complete without a hike around Cook’s Meadow. It’s a short, one mile loop, but packs a punch when it comes to epic views.

Yosemite Falls, Half Dome, Sentinel Rock, Glacier Point, and the beautiful Merced River are all features found along this easy going trail. It is perfect for families or for those just wanting to take in the sights while taking it easy.

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Half Dome Permit: The Ultimate 2024 Permit Lottery Guide

I won’t sugar coat it, no one likes having to get a permit to go hiking. However, due to the increasing popularity of…

2024 Information!

  • While this post was written in 2020, the information below has been updated for 2024

  • The Half Dome lottery will run from March 1st - March 31st

  • The National Park Service announced that they anticipate the cables to be up from May 24 - October 15, however, these dates can change at any time

  • If your desired date falls within that timeframe, you’ll need a permit

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Why You Need a Permit for Half Dome

Half Dome photographed from Yosemite Valley.

No one likes having to get a permit to go hiking. However, due to the increasing popularity of our National Parks over the years, it has become a necessity.

Prior to the implementation of the permit system in 2010, there were as many as 1200 hikers on Half Dome on any given day. There would be a literal queue to go up the cables. This not only presented safety issues, but it also caused damage to the trail.

So as of 2010, a permit would be needed to hike Half Dome while the cables are up, limiting the amount of hikers on Half Dome to just 300 per day. While bottlenecking still occurs, it’s far more manageable and the impact to the environment has been reduced.

If you’ve never hiked Half Dome (and since you’re reading this article chances are good that you haven't), be sure to read my detailed article that shows you what to expect on this epic hike.

So, how do you get your hands on one of these elusive permits? Read on below to find out!


Half Dome Pre Season Lottery 2024

Half Dome as photographed from Glacier Point.

As stated above, the Half Dome cables will be up between May 24 and October 15 in 2024. If your desired date falls within that timeline, you’ll need to enter the permit lottery via Recreation.gov or by calling 877/444-6777 between the hours of 7am and 9pm (PST).

The Half Dome pre season lottery runs throughout March (the 1st through 31st), every year. There is no advantage to submitting your application early. Those who enter the lottery on the 31st have just as much of a chance as those who have entered on the 1st.

The applicant can list up to six people on a single application. Keep in mind that your name (as either Trip Leader or Alternate) can only appear on ONE application. If your name appears on multiple applications, ALL of them will be canceled.

Half Dome as viewed from Glacier Point in Yosemite.

You can apply for a specific day or a range of dates, but your permit will only be rewarded if there is space available on at least one of the dates listed on your application.

You must select a trip leader (yourself) and can also select an alternate (if applicable). Either the trip leader or alternate MUST be present at Subdome with permit and ID in hand, and your group must be together. Permits are not transferable.

The fee to submit the application is $10. This is per application, NOT per person. This fee is non-refundable regardless of whether you win permit or not.


Judgment Day

If you’re one of the lucky winners, you’ll be notified via email on April 10th. Alternatively, you can call the number listed above for results. Be sure to verify that the email you used to sign up on Recreation.gov is current.

Once notified, you’ll be given two weeks (April 24th) to accept the permit and pay the $10 per person, refundable fee. If you don’t, your application will be canceled. This $10 per person fee is in addition to the fee you paid when you entered the lottery.

If you didn’t win a permit, you’ll still receive an email on the same day. If this happens, don’t get discouraged. There’s still a couple more ways to get one.


Half Dome Daily Lottery

Half Dome as seen from the road in Yosemite Valley.

Yosemite sets aside 50 permits for a daily lottery with an application period of two days. The actual amount they give out depends on estimated under-use and cancellations.

*For example: If you wanted to hike Half Dome on Sunday, you would submit the application on Friday and receive your results that same evening.

To get one of the daily permits, simply head to recreation.gov and submit an application two days prior to your desired date. You can only submit one application per desired date, but there is no limit to how many daily lottery permits you can apply for (and win) throughout the season.


Improving your Odds

Half Dome as seen from Olmsted Point near Tuolumne Meadows.

There’s no magic formula. It works like any other lottery. You just submit your application and hope for the best. However, there are a few things you can do to move the odds to your favor (a little bit, at least).

  1. Apply for a weekday instead of a weekend. Your chances are significantly better if you choose a weekday over a weekend day. It may be difficult for you because of work schedules, but take it from someone who’s been there, using a vacation day (or two) is more than worth it.

  2. September & October. If you can, plan for September or the first couple weeks of October. These months offer a better chance than July or August. The downfall to this is Vernal and Nevada Falls flow will be low. However, your focus here is Half Dome.

  3. The less hikers in your group, the better. I know it would be epic for you and your entire squad to conquer Half Dome together but remember, Yosemite only allows 300 people a day on Half Dome, NOT 300 permits. So the larger your group, the greater the odds.

I hiked it in 2017 and there were 26,943 applications with a total success rate of 19%. The year prior had a success rate of 25% and 2015 saw a 35% success rate.

  • The 2023 Half Dome permit success rate was at a mere 22%

As you can see, the odds increase annually. The more popular Half Dome gets, the less likely you are to secure a permit. So anything you can do to give yourself even the slightest edge can make all the difference.


Hiking Half Dome During A Backpacking Trip

Half Dome as viewed from Glacier Point in Yosemite.

While the majority of hikers do this as a day hike, many choose to turn their adventure into a 2-3 day trek. This method would allow you more time to take in the views.

To do this, you’ll not only need a permit for Half Dome, but a wilderness permit as well. Having only one or the other will not suffice. The fees for a wilderness permit are $5 plus $5 per person and can be applied for below.

While applying for a wilderness permit, you need to check the box stating that you also want a Half Dome permit. If any are available during the days listed on your application AND Half Dome is reasonably part of your itinerary, you’ll receive one.

Securing a Half Dome permit in this manner will make you eligible to go up the cables on any of the dates listed on your wilderness permit.

However, ff you’re on a backpacking trip that started OUTSIDE of Yosemite and you want to climb Half Dome during your trip, you will need to apply for a permit through either the regular preseason or daily lotteries.


Hiking Half Dome Without A Permit

Half Dome in heavy smoke. As seen from Yosemite Valley.

Let’s say you’ve done everything you could to get a permit. You weren’t successful in the pre-season lottery and the daily lotteries haven’t been kind to you either. What do you do?

Currently, the only way to hike Half Dome without a permit is to do it during the off season in winter or early spring. Yosemite officials don’t outright ban it, but they strongly discourage it for one big reason:

*The cables are down and the potential for injury or death rises exponentially.

During the off season, the poles and wooden planks are removed to avoid getting too weathered. The steel cables are left flat on the dome throughout the entirety of the climb. In theory, you could hike to the cables, grab hold of them and hoist yourself up.

The advantages to this are not needing a permit and the near certainty that you’ll be the only one up there. However, in my opinion, the advantages are far outweighed by the hazards.

We’re siding with park officials and advise against this (unless you have climbing experience and have the gear). It’s 100% your decision, though. If you do decide to go for it, please be safe and don’t take unnecessary risks.

READ NEXT: “15 Tips For Your First Time Hiking Half Dome”

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How To Hike Half Dome: The Complete First Timers Guide

Towering nearly 5,000 feet above the valley and 8,800 feet above sea level, Half Dome is considered one of the top day hikes…

4 minute read | contains affiliate links

Towering nearly 5,000 feet above the valley, Half Dome is considered one of the top day hikes in the country. In 1865 it was considered, “perfectly inaccessible”.

In 1875 a man by the name of George Anderson proved that theory wrong. Not only did he reach the summit, but he installed the predecessor to what we now know as the cables.

These days, you’ll see hundreds of people summiting Half Dome on a daily basis and it can be viewed prominently at various locations throughout the park.

I hiked Half Dome on September 11th, 2017. It’s a day that will live in my memory forever because even to this day, it was my most rewarding experience.

If you’re considering hiking Half Dome, this guide will provide you with everything you’ll need to know.

READ ALSO: “Hiking Half Dome In Yosemite: My Journey In 30 Pictures”

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The beginning of the Sub Dome portion of the Half Dome trail.

First - You’ll Need A Permit

Before hiking Half Dome, you’ll first need to apply for and win a permit. The extreme popularity of this hike has made it a necessary evil.

The NPS limits the amount of permits issued for the season to 300 per day, with 225 going to day hikers and the remaining 75 to backpackers.

I can’t speak from experience exactly how your permit is checked as when I hiked it, there was no one checking.

What I do know is you can hike without a permit up until (at least) the sign just before the start of Sub Dome (pictured above).

From what I hear, there is usually a ranger either on Sub Dome or just below it checking permits. If you do not have one, you will be turned around.

READ ALSO: Half Dome Permit: The Ultimate 2023 Permit Lottery Guide”

An illustrated example of the Half Dome hiking route.

Starting At The Happy Isles Trailhead

Depending on your starting point, the miles you hike will vary greatly. This guide covers the Happy Isles trailhead as it’s the starting point for most hikers.

Starting at Happy Isles, your milage will be 16.2 miles, round trip. Your elevation gain will be 4800 feet and it will be a strenuous, full-day hike. Plan for 8-12 hours.

You can find parking in the Yosemite Valley Trailhead lot just past Curry Village. From there, it’s a quarter mile from the trailhead.

You should seriously consider beginning your hike as early. Pre-dawn is ideal. The reason for this is because you will be racing to beat the afternoon storms and crowds.

If your plan is to utilize the shuttle, keep in mind that they do not start running until 7am. Also, the parking lot is known to fill quickly.

Hikers climbing the stone steps of the Mist Trail in Yosemite.

The Mist Trail

My brother and I arrived to a fairly empty parking lot at 2:45am, ate a super quick breakfast and were at the trailhead by 3am.

You’ll start out on a paved path that works its way to Vernal Falls. From the trailhead, it’s just 1.5 miles to Vernal but don’t underestimate it, because it is steep.

A steep section of the Mist Trail in Yosemite National Park.

As you arrive to the Vernal Fall footbridge, you’ll see a restroom and water fountain (the one source of filtered water on this trail).

Past the footbridge, the trail again climbs steeply and is also where you are introduced to the brutal, stone steps that lead to Vernal and beyond.

A photo of Vernal Falls on the Mist Trail in Yosemite.

Vernal Falls

Here is where you’ll receive the first fruit of your labor. The chance to stare in awe and amazement at Vernal Falls.

When I got to Vernal it was still pitch black. Once my eyes adjusted, the view of Vernal with stars sparkling above was breathtaking.

The top of Vernal Falls in Yosemite National Park.

The time of year you do this hike will determine how “misty” it will be. Early in the season, it isn’t unusual to see hikers donning ponchos.

Be sure to take pictures but don’t spend too much time as you still have hundreds of steps to climb to get to the top of Vernal. Once there, you’ll get a commanding view.

Nevada Falls on the Mist Trail in Yosemite National Park.

Nevada Falls

From the top of Vernal, you have another 1.5 miles or so to the top of Nevada Falls and the official end of the Mist Trail.

You initially start out on relatively flat terrain through shady pines along the Merced. Soon, it’ll transition into another series of rocky switchbacks.

Nevada Fall and Liberty Cap in Yosemite National Park.

As you make your approach you’ll come across another footbridge and take notice of, “Liberty Cap”, A large piece of granite that is often mistaken for Half Dome.

As you reach the base, you’ll work your way up the switchbacks mentioned above. Once there, you’ve reached the end of the Mist Trail and the first milestone of your hike.

The restroom at the top of Nevada Falls in Yosemite.

Here, you will find an opportunity to use the provided facilities and take advantage of the many logs/rocks to sit on while enjoying a snack (or two).

You could also detour to the right (away from the restrooms) for 0.2 miles to see the top of Nevada Fall from yet another footbridge.

READ ALSO: “The Mist Trail: Hike One Of Yosemite’s Most Beautiful Trails”

A section of the Half Dome trail in Yosemite.

Onward to Half Dome

Once you’ve taken in the sights at Nevada Fall and feel rested enough, it’s time to continue your journey. From here, you’ll enjoy a brief flat section of trail.

The next point of interest you’ll reach is Little Yosemite Valley (and a backcountry campground of the same name).

Securing a spot here allows you to break your hike up into two or more days. To do this, you’ll need a wilderness permit in addition to your Half Dome permit.

I highly recommend going this route to get the most out of your experience.

A section of the Half Dome trail in Yosemite.

After passing through Little Yosemite Valley, the trail begins to climb again. Tall sequoias provide shade from the sun as you work your way up the mountain.

This climb isn’t overly difficult, but it is constant and steady. Occasionally, you’ll get sneak peaks of Half Dome between the trees.

A section of the Half Dome trail in Yosemite.

Sub-Dome - The Final Obstacle

I fully believe that Sub-Dome’s sole purpose is to wreck whatever’s left of your legs. At this point, you’re at 8,000+ feet and just hiked for nearly 8 miles.

Half Dome’s base is within reach and Sub-Dome will make you question how badly you actually want to do this.

Take your time and pace yourself here. Not only is Sub-Dome difficult to ascend, but it could also be dangerous as there’s little room for error.

At the top of Sub Dome looking at Cloud's Rest in Yosemite.

You’ll know you’re near the top when you see the lone tree sticking out of the granite, providing the only shade on this section.

Once you get over the hump just beyond this tree, the cables are just a short distance ahead of you.

A hiker on the Half Dome cables in Yosemite.

The Half Dome Cables

Two steel poles are placed (not exactly secured) into the granite rock, roughly six feet apart (length wise) with a wooden plank between each pair.

Running the length of the dome from top to bottom are two steel cables running parallel to one another.

As stated above, the poles are not secured. Hikers have accidentally pulled them out. If that happens, don’t panic, just place it back in.

Hikers on the Half Dome cables in Yosemite.

As you work your way up, you’ll notice it get steeper with each step. From my perspective, it wasn’t that bad. In fact, I felt it to be fairly simple and straight forward.

Keep a firm grip on the cables and use the wooden planks as a goal to work towards. Once you get to each plank, use them as a resting point if you need to.

While on the planks, keep your fellow hikers in mind and consider their speed. If someone behind you wants to pass, let them.

A hiker on the Half Dome cables in Yosemite.

From the base to the top, you’ll climb a total of 400 feet. It took me around 20 minutes to do it. That’s with stopping to rest and taking a few pictures.

The granite is slick from the thousands of hiking boots that have traversed it over the years. Sturdy hiking boots with excellent tread are a must!

The summit of Half Dome in Yosemite.

The Summit

To reach the summit, you would’ve hiked 8+ miles, gone up several hundred stone steps, inclined nearly the entire way, felt the pain of subdome and completed a fear inducing 400 foot climb.

The area of the summit is roughly the same size as seven combined football fields. There’s plenty of room for everyone to explore.

The views from Half Dome’s summit are unsurpassed. You can see Yosemite Valley, Tenaya Canyon, North Dome, Cloud’s Rest and more.

Two people on the summit of Half Dome in Yosemite.

It’s important to note that if you see storm clouds in the area, it’s best to head back down asap. Trying to navigate the cables in the rain is dangerous.

To me, going down was more difficult for me than going up was. I tried both forward and backwards. In my opinion, descending backwards was easier.

When you’re back the base, collect your packs, take a few more pictures and start your way back.

Half Dome as viewed from Olmsted Point in Yosemite.

Decide Which Route To Take Back

Once you’ve made it back to the top of Nevada Fall, you’ll now have to decide which direction you want to go. Your options are:

  • Back down the Mist Trail: This option is just you going down the same way you came up. The drawback are the steep, slick steps that make the process of going down a slow one.

  • Take the John Muir Trail: This option will add a mile and a half to your decent but will allow you to skip the steps on a relatively smooth path.

My brother and I chose the Mist Trail because it was pitch black during our way up and we wanted to see the waterfalls. However, the rain made me regret that decision.

Those steps were now ultra slick and forced us to move painfully slow. Suddenly, dealing with more mileage but smoother terrain felt like the better option.

By the time we made it back to the car my legs were jello, my shoulders were screaming and I was dehydrated (I didn’t bring nearly enough water).

Despite all that, it was an epic adventure and I would do all over again in a heartbeat.

Half Dome as viewed from Olmsted Point in Yosemite.

Is Half Dome For You?

That’s a question you’ll need to ask yourself. Half Dome, without question, is a difficult and dangerous hike. However, it’s also a rewarding accomplishment.

You don’t need to be a top level athlete, but you do need a reasonable level of fitness and have at least some hiking experience. Climbing experience is not necessary.

People have died on this hike! I’m not trying to scare you, but you need to be aware of the dangers. People have fallen off the cables, been struck by lightning and have had heart attacks which all lead to their demise.

Be smart and aware of your surroundings. Stay on the trail, don’t attempt Half Dome if dark clouds are in the area, be honest about your fitness level/health, etc.

If you have heart problems or a fear of heights, this is NOT the hike for you.

READ ALSO: “4 Reasons Why You Should NOT Hike Half Dome”

Half Dome as viewed from the base in Yosemite.

Alternate Routes To Consider

Happy Isles is just one of a few starting points for Half Dome. Other trailheads include:

  • Tenaya Lake: You’re looking at 23 miles round trip. Next time I hike Half Dome, this is where I plan to leave from.

  • Glacier Point: You’re looking at 20 miles round trip. Essentially, you’ll work your way down the Panorama Trail to Nevada Fall, then from there to Half Dome (on the way out, you could simply exit at Happy Isles instead of going back up to Glacier Point. That’ll save you some milage).

  • Little Yosemite Valley: This is the backcountry campground I mentioned earlier. You’ll hike 4.3 miles from the Mist Trail to here, then 7 miles round trip from Little Yosemite to Half Dome and back.

Half Dome as viewed from North Dome in Yosemite.

Alternate Hikes In Yosemite

Half Dome isn’t for everyone. Thankfully, Yosemite is jam packed with incredible hikes you can do if you didn’t obtain a permit or if it’s too much for you.

Some of these include:

  • 4-Mile Trail (Yosemite Valley/Glacier Point road)

  • Upper Yosemite Falls (Yosemite Valley)

  • The Mist Trail (Yosemite Valley)

  • Pohono Trail (Yosemite Valley/Glacier Point road)

  • Cathedral Lakes (Tioga road)

  • Cloud’s Rest (Tioga road)

  • Glen Aulin/Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne (Tioga road)

  • North Dome (Tioga road)

These are just a handful of the amazing hikes Yosemite has to offer. So if you didn’t get a permit, there’s no need to cancel your trip to Yosemite.

READ ALSO: “10 Awesome Things To Do In Yosemite Valley”

Half Dome as viewed from Glacier Point in Yosemite.

Stats And Additional Tips

  • Total mileage: 17 miles round trip if you utilize the Mist Trail (the most commonly used trailhead).

  • Length of time: This will vary from person to person and highly depends on your level of fitness. Typically, expect an 8-12 hour hike.

  • Location: Yosemite Valley.

  • Water intake: Bring more than what you think you’ll need. You’ll have an opportunity for more water at the Vernal Footbridge via the filtered fountain, but that’s it. 4-5 liters or more would be wise.

  • Permit required: As stated above, a permit is required for this hike. The only time a permit isn’t needed is when the cables are down during winter (not recommended).

  • Avoid weather: If you see dark clouds or if it’s activity raining or snowing, do not climb up the cables. It is not worth the risk!

READ ALSO: 15 Tips For Your First Time Hiking Half Dome”

Hikers at the base of the Half Dome cables in Yosemite.

What Gear To Bring

This depends on if you’re doing it as a day hike or over 2-3 days. For simplicity sake, I’m going to assume you’re like most people and doing it as a day hike.

Some essential gear includes:

  • Daypack

  • Full-fingered gloves (to grip the cables)

  • Hiking boots/shoes with excellent tread

  • Hydration bladder insert (preferably 3+ liters)

  • Moisture wicking socks

  • Sunglasses and hat

  • Camera

  • Trekking poles

  • Sunscreen

  • Moleskin (for blisters)

  • Rain jacket/poncho

Your Thoughts…

I’d like to know your thoughts on Half Dome. Have you hiked it before? If so, was it easier or harder than you expected?

If you haven’t hiked it, are you planning to hike it this year? If so, was this post helpful? Sound off in the comments below.

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15 Tips For Your First Time Hiking Half Dome

Every year, thousands of hikers summit Half Dome, many of them for the first time. In 2017, I was one of those first timers…

3 minute read | contains affiliate links

Each year, thousands of hikers summit Half Dome, many of them for the first time. In 2017, I was one of those first timers and though I felt like I was fully prepared, truth is, I wasn't.

In fact, I’m confident that if you polled others who’ve hiked Half Dome, I’m willing to bet that many of them would agree.

If you’re hiking Half Dome for the first time this season (or just mildly curious), this post is for you. I’m giving you 15 tips I feel all Half Dome hikers should be aware of going in. Let’s get into it.

Hikers at the Half Dome cables in Yosemite.

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1) Get An Early Start

This is especially true if, like most people, you’re doing this as a day hike. You’ll want to arrive to the trailhead as early as possible.

When my brother and I hiked it, we arrived at the Happy Isles trailhead at 3am. We didn’t see any daylight until we got past Nevada Fall.

The reasons you’ll want to start early are:

  1. You’ll beat the crowds to the cables and avoid bottlenecks

  2. You’ll likely avoid the afternoon storms that are notorious in Yosemite

  3. You’ll beat the mid-day heat

If you’re doing this hike as a multi-day and you’re just hiking to your camping spot the first day, you won’t have to worry about it as much.

If you’re doing this as a day hike, however, definitely get started as soon as you can. It doesn’t have to be 3am, but pre-dawn is ideal.

A hiker climbing the Half Dome cables in Yosemite.

2) Bring Gloves With You

Surprisingly, many people don’t think of this. The Half Dome cables are made of steel and they get hot. They’re also blister inducing.

Using gloves on the cables will help prevent blisters, protect you from burns and most importantly, provide you with good grip.

Sometimes, a pile of discarded gloves forms near the base. You’re welcome to use a pair but you shouldn’t count on the pile being there.

While it’s thoughtful, Rangers will collect and throw the gloves away as it’s technically littering. So bring your own. Full fingered preferably.


Hikers on the summit of Half Dome in Yosemite.

3) Bring More Water Than You Think You’ll Need

I cannot stress this enough. It’s always important to bring water with you on a hike but it’s especially true on this one.

I recommend 3-4 liters, per person. I only brought two liters with me and ran out on the way back (with over six miles left to go).

The only filtered water source is the fountain at the Vernal Fall footbridge (just about a mile into the hike). After that, you’re on your own.


A hiker at the top of Vernal Fall on the Mist Trail in Yosemite.

4) Trekking Poles Are A Must!

My knees were killing me on the way back. If it weren’t for my trekking poles helping to off-set the weight, my brother would’ve had to carry me out.

If you’re someone who’s prone to knee pain or you know you usually require trekking poles on normal hikes, you’ll definitely want to bring them along on this one.


A hiker climbing down the Half Dome cables in Yosemite.

5) Wear Shoes/Boots With Excellent Grip

While granite usually has excellent natural grip, years of hikers traversing it has caused that section to become smooth and slick.

Seriously, normal shoes or ones that are worn down will not suffice. You’ll definitely want to break them in prior to your hike, but the tread should be as new as possible.


A view of Cloud's Rest from the top of Sub Dome in Yosemite.

6) Leave Your Backpack At The Base

It may be tempting to bring your backpack with you as you climb up the cables but take it from me, make it easier on yourself (and others) and ditch it at the base.

The reason I say this is twofold:

  1. There isn’t a lot of space between the cables, so if everyone’s wearing a bulky backpack, that space only becomes more restrictive

  2. For some, it’s already challenging enough to climb the cables. Adding the weight/balance of a backpack only complicates matters

If you must bring a backpack to the top, bring a smaller day bag and leave the bulky one behind. No one’s going to mess with your stuff.

Do be sure to seal your bag before leaving, though. You don’t want Marmots and other critters getting in there.


Hikers on the Half Dome cables in Yosemite.

7) Take As Long As You Need On The Cables

There’s no shame in taking it slow. This isn’t a race and there’s no prize at the top for the fastest climber. Go at your own pace.

Every six feet or so (at each set of steel poles) are wooden planks. Use those as a guide and focus on them if the heights start getting to you.

Rest at each one if necessary. No one will make fun of you. Just be mindful of those who may want to go faster and let them pass.

A section of the Half Dome trail in Yosemite.

8) If You See Dark Clouds, Don’t Attempt It

Yosemite is infamous for its afternoon storms. It isn’t uncommon to go from clear blue sky to rain and lightning in the blink of an eye.

Bad weather and climbing Half Dome isn’t a good mix. If lightning decides to strike, there’s a good chance Half Dome will be where it hits.

If you get to the base and it starts to rain, don’t risk it. If you’re at the summit and see black clouds rolling in, get back down pronto.

In the 1980’s, numerous people were killed and injured on the summit when a sudden storm came in. It’s always best to er on the side of caution when it comes to storms.


Half Dome and Tenaya Canyon in Yosemite.

9) You Can Use A Climbing Harness If You Want

Some opt to utilize a harness to secure themselves to the cables, reducing their chance of falling.

It’s a device that you wear around your waist and legs, with the other end connecting to the cables via a carabiner.

Personally, I don’t think it’s necessary. However, if it’ll make you feel better and help you fulfill your dream, go for it.

You will need to unclip and clip back in every six feet or so, so it will slow you down a bit. The peace of mind it provides may be worth it, though.


The top of Vernal Fall on the Mist Trail in Yosemite.

10) Get Into The Best Shape You Can

There’s no need to be a top-level athlete or master climber, but the better shape you’re in, the easier time you’ll have.

The cables themselves are more upper strength than leg strength and the hike itself will test your cardiovascular endurance.

Hitting a stair master will prepare you for the Mist Trail portion of the hike. Likewise, a strength training routine would be beneficial.

Most importantly, hike as much and as often as you can prior to your trip. The higher the elevation, the better.

Hikers on the Mist Trail in Yosemite.

11) Bring Extra Socks

This is one I wish I’d thought about. You should always take care of your feet…always. That means bringing a fresh pair of socks (or two).

If you don’t and get soaked on the Mist Trail, you’ll be forced to hike the rest of the way with soggy socks.

If the Mist Trail doesn’t get you, then your socks will most definitely be soaked in sweat by the time you make it to the summit.

Packing extra socks will allow you to swap out the nasty ones for a fresh pair for the hike back down.


The beginning of Sub Dome in Yosemite.

12) Have A Hard Copy Of Your Permit Available

Some hikers spend 8-10 hours or more doing this hike. Consequently, if you’re taking a lot of pictures, your phone battery will almost certainly die.

If that happens and all you have is a digital copy of your permit, you’ll have nothing to show the ranger when asked. Guess what that means? Off you go.

It wouldn’t hurt to have a printed copy in a plastic bag inside your backpack. That way, you won’t risk getting turned around.

Half Dome in Yosemite National Park.

13) Bring Ibuprofen & Moleskin

You can add this one to the, “wish I thought of it”, category. As stated above, my legs and feet were wrecked by the time we got back to the car.

It was only then that I realized my mistake. I had absolutely nothing to help mask the pain and had a long drive home ahead of me.

Bring some Ibuprofen (or an alternate pain killer) with you. Take a couple at the summit, if needed, to reduce the discomfort on the way back down.

Also, moleskin does wonders for covering and preventing blisters. If you don’t know what it is, it’s a dense, woven cotton fabric that acts as a shield between your skin and shoes in areas where blisters are most common. Highly recommended for ANY hike.


Half Dome as viewed from Olmsted Point in Yosemite.

14) Eat, Eat And Eat Some More

This is a long, demanding hike and for most people, will take a full day. You will burn a serious amount of calories and energy.

Due to this, you’ll need to replenish your body with as many nutrient dense foods as you can.

Foods with complex carbs, low amounts of sugar, decent level of healthy fats and high amount of protein will do the trick.

Also, salty snacks, such as beef jerky and sunflower seeds, will help you retain water and keep you hydrated for longer.

Stop as often as you need if you’re feeling hungry or low on energy. Trust me, you don’t want to tackle the cables with nothing in the tank.


Sub Dome with Half Dome in the distance.

15) There’s No Shame In Turning Around

More hikers do it than you might think. I’d wager a guess that for every ten hikers that make it to the cables, at least one decides against it.

Whether it’s due to bad weather or simply a gut-feeling on your part, there’s no shame in turning around. The cables are intimidating.

So don’t succumb to peer pressure or allow pride to take over. If you get there and it doesn’t feel right, then don’t do it. You still had an amazing adventure!


BONUS: Peak Design Camera Clip

This camera clip by Peak Design is a MUST for anyone using their DSLR or point-and-shoot camera while out on a hike or are just out and about on a shoot.

As shown in the image above, it securely attaches to your backpack strap and firmly holds your camera in place. Allowing you to be hands free while not in use.

When inspiration strikes, a quick button press is all it takes to remove it. When done, simply snap back into place and you’re done.



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Hiking Half Dome In Yosemite: My Journey In 30 Pictures

Back in 2020 when I launched this website, the very first published post was, Half Dome: The Complete Guide To Yosemite’s Epic Day Hike”, and it’s…

3 minute read | contains affiliate links

In 2020, when I launched this website, the very first published post was, Half Dome: The Complete Guide To Yosemite’s Epic Day Hike”, and it’s the one i’m most proud of.

The reason for that is because hiking Half Dome was a goal of mine and accomplishing that goal is what gave me the confidence and drive to launch Inked with Wanderlust.

The original post contains a ton of information and I highly recommend giving it a read if you’re planning to hike Half Dome (especially if it’s your first time).

*PRO TIP: Bookmark both of these posts to your device so you can return to the information later

This post, however, will be the shorter, stripped down version. It’ll focus solely on the trail itself and nothing else. So you’ll quickly get an idea of what this hike is like.

It’ll also focus solely on the trailhead where most Half Dome hikers begin their journey; the Happy Isles trailhead and through the Mist Trail.

If reading this post gives you some inspiration to hike Half Dome yourself, check out our ultimate beginners guide here (opens a new window).

A hiker on top of Half Dome in Yosemite.

Quick Stats

  • Location: Yosemite Valley, California

  • Fee: $35 to enter Yosemite + applicable permit fees

  • Permit: Required when cables are up (typically between Memorial Day and Columbus Day)

  • Open: All year (cables are down during winter)

  • For: Hikers

  • Restroom: Five: 1) At the trailhead 2) At the Vernal Fall footbridge 3) Near the Emerald Pools at the top of Vernal 4) At the top of Nevada Fall 5) At Little Yosemite Valley campground

  • Parking: Large dirt lot a quarter-mile from the trailhead

  • EV Stations: None

  • Difficulty: Hard

  • Popularity: Extremely high

  • Mileage: 14.2 - 16.5 miles, RT (depending on which route you take back)

  • Time: Full day/Overnight

  • Elevation Gain: 4,800 feet

  • Condition: Maintained and easy to follow

  • Features: Two waterfalls and summiting Half Dome itself

  • Pets: Not allowed

  • Drones: Not allowed

  • Hazards: The slick stone steps of the Mist Trail and the potential for fatal falls

  • Our Visit(s): 2017


Half Dome Trailhead and Parking

A hiker hiking along the Mist Trail in Yosemite.

For most hikers, the official starting point for Half Dome is the Happy Isles trailhead. Which is also the trailhead for the Mist Trail and John Muir Trail.

There is no parking lot at Happy Isles itself. The nearest one is a large dirt lot located about a quarter-mile down the road (near Curry Village).

To get to it, look out for Curry Village signage and follow them. As you near Curry Village, you’ll see signage pointing the way to the parking lot.

The lot is known to fill quickly. Especially during the summer and spring season. Plan for an early start, pre-dawn preferably. I began my hike at 3am.

If full, you can always utilize the shuttle. It’ll drop you off near the trailhead. Keep in mind, though, that the shuttle doesn’t begin operations until 7:00am.


The Mist Trail

A portion of the Mist Trail and Vernal Fall in Yosemite.

Aside from Half Dome, the Mist Trail is arguably the most popular trail in Yosemite. It features two beautiful waterfalls (Vernal and Nevada Falls) in a relatively short hike.

If you’re here in spring or early summer, prepare to get wet. They don’t call it the Mist Trail for nothing. Later in the season, it isn’t so dramatic as run-off is minimal.

A portion of the Mist Trail and Vernal Fall in Yosemite.
The slick stone steps on the Mist Trail and Vernal Fall in Yosemite.
Vernal Fall on the Mist Trail in Yosemite National Park.

One danger you’ll need to be cognitive of are the stone steps. There are hundreds of them and they get incredibly slick from the constant mist.

A portion of the Mist Trail going to the top of Vernal Fall in Yosemite.
The view from the top of Vernal Fall on the Mist Trail in Yosemite.
A hiker standing on top of Vernal Fall on the Mist Trail in Yosemite.

From the trailhead, it’s 1.5-miles to Vernal Fall. By the time you’ve reached Nevada Fall, you’re about 3.5-miles in.

The top of Vernal Fall on the Mist Trail in Yosemite National Park.
A distant view of Nevada Fall and Liberty Cap on the Mist Trail in Yosemite.
Hikers along the Mist Trail in Yosemite.

Between Vernal Fall and Nevada Fall you’ll get a reprieve from the stone steps as the trail turns to a traditional dirt path.

After crossing the footbridge near Nevada Fall, the stone steps return as you work your way to the top of the beautiful waterfall.

A side view of Nevada Fall in Yosemite National Park.
The bathroom at the top of Nevada Fall on the Mist Trail in Yosemite.

At the top of Nevada Fall is a restroom and a few benches/rocks scattered about to sit on. It makes a great spot to relax and gather yourself.


Little Yosemite Valley & Incline

A portion of the trail to Half Dome in Yosemite.

After Nevada Fall, you’ll start on the one and only flat portion of the trail. Be sure to enjoy the reprieve because it won’t last long.

This stretch will take you through what’s known as Little Yosemite Valley (where a backcountry campground by the same name is located).

A portion of the Half Dome trail in Yosemite.
A portion of the trail in Little Yosemite Valley in Yosemite.
A portion of the Half Dome trail in Yosemite.

When you reach the campground, you’re right around the halfway mark to Half Dome. There, you’ll find your fifth and final opportunity to use a restroom.

A portion of the Half Dome trail in Yosemite.

Shortly after the campground is when you’ll again begin another relentless incline as you make your way to Sub-Dome.

You’ll make your way up the mountain via a series of switchbacks. They’re not difficult but if you’re not used to the elevation, you’ll feel it.



The beginning of Sub Dome on the Half Dome trail in Yosemite.

Sub-Dome is your final obstacle before reaching the cables. I believe Mother Nature designed it to do one thing; destroy whatever’s left of your legs.

It’s a mini granite-dome connected to the back half of Half Dome. A series of short switchbacks built into the granite take you to the top.

A hiker walking up Sub Dome in Yosemite National Park.
The Sub Dome portion of the Half Dome trail in Yosemite.

This is also the point in the hike where you’ll likely need to show your permit to a Ranger for inspection (if there’s one stationed there).

Sometimes the Ranger is stationed just before Sub-Dome, sometimes their stationed at the top. Don’t risk going through all that if you don’t have one.

READ ALSO: Half Dome Permit: The Ultimate Permit Lottery Guide”


Half Dome Cables

Looking at the Half Dome cables in Yosemite.

From here, the only thing standing between you and the summit are the cables. The cables are there to assist you in reaching the top.

They’re placed in the granite and feature a wooden plank between two steel poles every six feet or so. Along the entire length are two elevated steel cables.

To use them, simply grab hold of the cable and hoist yourself upward to each wooden plank. My brother and I used those planks as resting points.

A hiker standing next to the Half Dome cables in Yosemite.
People hiking up the Half Dome cables in Yosemite.

The space between the cables isn’t very wide and those going in both directions share the space. No matter your direction, stay to the right.

If you want to use a harness to secure yourself, you can. You’ll need to unhook/hook-up again at every pole so it will slow you down a bit.

People hiking up the Half Dome cables in Yosemite.
A hiker on the Half Dome cables in Yosemite.

If you feel like you need to take it slow, that’s perfectly fine. Just keep in mind that people behind you may want to go faster. If so, simply let them pass.

When I was on the cables, I was impressed by how cooperative and helpful everyone was to each other. There was no chaos or rudeness.

To me, the ascent wasn’t that bad. It looked much worse in pictures and video. Still, it gets near vertical the higher you go, so take precaution.


Half Dome Summit

The view of Yosemite Valley from the top of Half Dome.

Reaching the summit of Half Dome is quite the accomplishment for all who attempt it. For me, this was an “Everest” moment (cheesy, I know).

The views are astounding no matter which way you look. Walk straight (away from the cables) to the edge to get a commanding view of the valley.

Other points of interest visible from Half Dome are North Dome, Cloud’s Rest, Glacier Point, Tenaya Canyon and more. The views are simply unsurpassed.

People standing near the edge of Half Dome in Yosemite.
The view of Yosemite Valley from Half Dome.
The view of Tenaya Canyon from Half Dome in Yosemite.

The summit is about the size of seven combined football fields, so there’s plenty room to walk about and explore. So take your time.

One thing I should mention - if you see dark clouds coming, head back down asap. You do not want to be stuck up there during a storm.


Heading Back

When you’re finished, simply head back the same way you came…with one exception. When you reach the top of Nevada Fall again, you’ll have two choices:

  1. Head back down the Mist Trail (remember the slick, stone steps)

  2. Take a detour down the John Muir Trail (JMT)

When I hiked it, we made the decision to hike back down the Mist Trail because on our way up, it was still dark and we didn't see much.

Trust me when I say that if there’s one aspect of our experience I regret, it’s not taking the JMT detour. My legs were jello and navigating those steps was miserable.

Taking the detour will add another mile or so to your hike BUT…you won’t have to contend with the steps. It’s a standard dirt path.

Your Thoughts…

I’d like to know your thoughts on hiking Half Dome and the cables themselves. Is this something you think you’d want to do?

Have you done it? If so, i’d like to hear your perspective. Perhaps it wasn’t that bad to you or maybe it was harder than you anticipated?

Let us know in the comment section below or send us a private message on our Instagram. We love hearing from our readers!

Also, don’t forget to check out our insanely detailed ultimate guide about Half Dome to get suggestions, advice, alternate routes and more!

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Thanks for reading.


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The Mist Trail: Hike One Of Yosemite's Most Beautiful Trails

Yosemite National Park is filled to the brim with many popular and beautiful natural attractions and trails. However, there are a select handful that are…

5 minute read | Contains affiliate links

Yosemite is filled to the brim with many popular and beautiful natural attractions and trails. However, there are a select handful that are insanely popular in the park.

We have been blessed to have hiked many Yosemite trails and while they are all amazing in their own right, there are two that stand out from the pack; Half Dome and The Mist Trail.

We’ve covered Half Dome in a previous article that details my experience and gives you a good idea of what to expect.

While The Mist Trail is partially covered in that one (The Mist Trail is where most hikers begin), we felt it to be deserving of its own detailed, dedicated post.

Hikers on the Mist Trail in Yosemite.

Quick Stats

  • Location: Yosemite National Park (Valley)

  • Red Tape: None for the trail, but you’ll need to pay the park entrance fee

  • Open: Spring through Fall

  • For: Hikers only

  • Parking: Large dirt lot a quarter mile from the trailhead

  • Restroom: Two. One at the Vernal footbridge and another at the top of Nevada Fall

  • EV Stations: None

  • Drone Use: Not allowed

  • Difficulty: Moderate to hard

  • Time: Two to four hours

  • Milage: Three miles (RT) to Vernal Fall / Seven miles (RT) to Nevada Fall

  • Elevation Gain: 1,925 feet

  • Trail Condition: Well maintained and marked

  • Main Feature(s): Vernal Fall & Nevada Fall

  • Pets: Not allowed

  • Special Notes/Hazards: The stone steps along the trail are slick, some are steep, and they can be dangerous. Watch your footing

  • Our Visit(s): September 2017 & June 2020

The Mist Trail

Merced River in Yosemite National Park.

Parking can be somewhat complicated for this trail (Yosemite as a whole, really). This trail is one of, if not the, most popular in the park. So the lot fills quickly.

Those who are hiking Half Dome utilize this trail and parking lot as well and they get an early start. So the lot may be already partially full by the time the sun rises.

Usually, if you get here before 9am, you’ll likely score yourself a spot. If it’s full, signs will be posted alerting you to that.

Your options in this case would be to park at Curry Village (an additional half a mile away) or park elsewhere in the park and take the free shuttle.

The Mist Trail. Yosemite National Park.

Private vehicles are not allowed on the road going to the trailhead. So either way, you’re going to have to walk to get there.

Simply follow the road to the trailhead. It’ll be to your right after the bridge. After a short distance, you’ll see a gate and trail signage on your left. This is the official starting point.

Vernal Falls

Hikers on the Mist Trail in Yosemite.

The first feature on this trail is the beautiful Vernal Fall. Not counting the distance from the parking lot, it’s 1.5 miles from the trailhead to the top of Vernal.

Don’t let the short distance fool you. This trail is anything but easy. It’s a relentless, uphill slog nearly the entire way. Not to mention the slick, stone steps.

After a mile, you’ll arrive at the Vernal Fall footbridge. Here, you’ll get your first and only opportunity at filtered water via the fountain. You’ll also have access to the first of two restrooms.

Both are located just past the bridge. This is the point where a lot of visitors decide to call it a day and head back (you do get a slight view of the falls from the bridge).

Water fountain on the Mist Trail.

You’ll also have a fork in the trail here. If you don’t want to deal with the slick stone steps, you can take the John Muir Trail.

This trail is on a far more even grade, but it will not take you to the base of Vernal and it will add a bit more time to your hike. To experience the mist, continue left on the trail proper.

The trail begins to climb again as you get closer to Vernal. Soon, you’ll approach the beginning of the stone steps and get your first glimpse of this magnificent waterfall.

I’ve never counted them, but according to my research, there are 500-600 of these steps. Again, these steps are SLICK. Be mindful of your footing.

Stone steps of the mist trail.

As you make your way up the steps, it’ll soon dawn on you where this trail’s namesake comes from. Though the amount of mist you experience will depend on the time of year.

If you’re here in the fall, you’ll experience little, if any. This is due to the falls not flowing as heavily as they do in the spring.

That said, come during spring or early summer and you’ll definitely find out why it’s called the Mist Trail. You WILL get wet. Soaked, even.

We caution anyone with a camera that isn’t properly weather sealed to stow it away before proceeding. Also, If you’re against getting wet, a poncho would be advisable.

Hikers getting wet on the Mist Trail. Yosemite.

Once you’ve reached the mid-way point between the steps (you’ll know you’re there when you’re on a flat-ish area at eye level with the waterfall), you’ll be mostly out of the reach of the mist.

You’ll also have a decent amount of tree cover to help you escape the sun for a bit with various rocks to site on, if needed.

Vernal Falls on the Mist Trail in Yosemite.

From here, you’ll have an epic view of the gorge that Vernal dumps into and the river, which has been cutting through here for many years. It’s an amazing, unbeatable sight.

If you’re lucky, the sun will hit the mist just right and present you with a rainbow (or two) to gaze at. At this point, you’re roughly one-mile into the hike.

From here, you’ll have a choice. This is the point where a lot of visitors decide to turn back. However there are more amazing views at the top of Vernal.

To do this, you must hike another half mile up a few hundred more stone steps. These steps are not usually as slick as the ones along the base, though.

Stairs to the top of Vernal Fall in Yosemite.

Pictured above, you’ll see the last of the steps you’ll need to tackle before reaching the top. Once up there, you’ll see much more of the gorge leading into the valley and get up close to Vernal’s edge.

A person on top of Vernal Fall in Yosemite.
The top of Vernal Fall in Yosemite National Park.

The river you see feeding the falls is the Merced River. The waters leading to the edge usually appear calm, but strong currents are always present.

At the edge, the Merced dumps millions of gallons of water 317-feet into the gorge below. The view up here is simply remarkable.

From here, you'll again have a choice to make. You can head back to your car or you can continue on for another 1.5 miles to Nevada Fall.

Nevada Fall footbridge on the Mist Trail in Yosemite.

Nevada Falls

About a mile from Vernal, you’ll come to the Nevada Fall footbridge. The view of the Merced cutting through the granite boulders is an amazing sight.

From the bridge, you’ll have a great view of Liberty Cap. Many visitors mistake this for Half Dome (wishful thinking). From here, you’re close to the end of the trail (and another restroom).

Nevada Fall and Liberty Cap. Mist Trail. Yosemite.

While Nevada doesn’t produce nearly the amount of mist that Vernal does, the steps will still be slick. The good news is you won’t have as many to deal with as in between the steps are moments of compact dirt.

Once at the top, there’s rocks and log furniture to take a break on. There’s also the second opportunity for restroom use. This one is surprisingly well maintained.

Nevada Fall restroom. Mist Trail. Yosemite.

If you’re a Half Dome permit holder, you’ll want to continue onward from here. For you Mist Trail day hikers, it’s time to head back. You’ll have two options on how to do this:

  1. You can take the John Muir Trail down. This will add another mile to the hike, but its much smoother as you won’t have to negotiate the stone steps. Plus, you’ll get a unique view of Nevada Fall.

  2. You can head back down the same way you came up. Keep in mind, going down those steps is worse than going up (especially if they’re slick). Going down the JMT may add an hour, but it wouldn’t necessarily add more time as it would more than likely take longer to deal with the steps.

On our 2017 visit, we opted to go back down the Mist Trail versus the JMT. Almost immediately, I regretted that decision. Seriously, consider the JMT.

Things to Remember

  • This is NOT an easy going trail. It may be fairly short, but don’t underestimate the potential dangers. More people have been killed or hurt on this trail than any other in the park. That includes Half Dome. It is sun exposed, has thousands of slick stone steps, and a powerful river running through it. Keep to the trail, watch your step, bring plenty of water/snacks, and don’t overdue it.

  • Swimming or wading is NOT allowed. Years ago, people were able to swim in the emerald pools up river from Vernal Fall. Unfortunately, those days are over. Far too many deaths have occurred from people getting swept over the edge.

  • The trailhead parking lot fills up early. The closest parking lot to the trailhead fills up quickly. Even if you do snag a spot, you’ll still have to walk a quarter-mile to the trailhead. So keep this in mind when planning your day and prepare for the possibility of having to park further away and taking the shuttle in.

  • Have a great time. Despite the potential dangers, this trail is one of the most breathtakingly beautiful trails you’ll ever hike. Pace yourself, take pictures, and be sure to pause and allow the beauty of Yosemite to consume you. If you only have time for one day hike during your visit, this is the one.

A quick note…

We’re often asked about the equipment we use to capture the photos on our website. Below, we’ve added Amazon links to those products and others that we recommend.

If you decide to purchase, Amazon will pay us a small commission. This helps us keep Inked with Wanderlust running and doesn’t cost you anything extra.


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The 10 Best Things To Do On Yosemite’s East Side

It still surprises me how many people are completely unaware that there’s much more to Yosemite beyond the valley. Yes, the valley is littered with amazing sights. Tunnel View, Yosemite Falls, Half Dome, and the Mist Trail are just a few examples.

*Tioga Road will open on May 27th, 2022

It still surprises me how many people are completely unaware that there’s much more to Yosemite beyond the valley. The valley is littered with amazing sights such as Tunnel View, Yosemite Falls, Half Dome, and the Mist Trail, but the east side packs just as much of a punch.

I put this list together to hopefully persuade you to include the east side on your trip. Most of this list can be seen in a single day but if possible, you’ll want to set aside at least two days so you can partake in two or three hiking trails. Also, this list was made with families and casual hikers in mind, which is why the more strenuous trails were omitted.

Things to Keep in Mind

It is seasonal. This part of the park is completely inaccessible during winter and early spring. Generally, Park Rangers open it up around late May or early June and close it with the first major snowfall, typically late October or November.

It can be accessed from either side. You can access the east side from the valley by following the signs to highway 120 and turning onto Tioga Road. You can also access the gate via Tioga Pass from the small town of Lee Vining in California.

Now, let’s get started.

1) Drive Tioga Pass

Tioga Pass. Yosemite National Park.

Tioga Pass. Yosemite National Park.

If you’re coming from Lee Vining, this part is built into the trip. Tioga Pass is California’s highest automobile pass in the state and is the access road to Yosemite east.

From the valley, once on Tioga road, keep driving until you’re outside the gate and head down to Lee Vining. While you’re there, be sure to grab some lunch at Whoa Nelly Deli or Bodie Mike’s BBQ.

This drive is simply breathtaking and is a must see. Some notable features along the pass include Nunatak Loop, Saddlebag Lake, Lake Ellery, and the Twenty Lakes Loop trail.

  • Pro tip: Be sure to take advantage of one of the many pullouts along the pass for some epic views.

2) Gaylor Lakes Trail

Gaylor Lakes Trail. Yosemite.

Gaylor Lakes Trail. Yosemite.

Gaylor Lakes is one of the first hiking trails you’ll come across after arriving. In fact, the parking lot for the trailhead is to the immediate right of the gate.

It’s a moderate hike and rather short in length, but the first mile or so is an uphill slog above 10,000 feet. Once at the pass, it drops you back down and it is there where you’ll come across the first lake. Be sure to follow the stream to Upper Gaylor and the Miner’s Cabin above that.

  • Trail Length: About 3 miles, RT.

3) Elizabeth Lake Trail

Elizabeth Lake. Yosemite National Park.

Elizabeth Lake. Yosemite National Park.

This is another hike on the easier side. It has a few ups and downs along the way but it’s mostly flat, short in length, and has an epic payoff at the end. Unicorn Peak (behind the lake) is climbable if you’re up to it.

The official trailhead is located at the back end of Tuolumne Meadows campground. To get there, simply drive through the campground and park by the restrooms. If it is closed, you’ll need to park in the lot out front and hike it to the trailhead. This will add another couple miles round trip.

  • Trail Length: 5 miles, RT. 7 miles, RT if hiking through the campground.

4) Olmsted Point

Olmsted Point. Half Dome. Yosemite National Park.

Olmsted Point. Half Dome. Yosemite National Park.

Olmsted Point is one of the east side’s most popular attractions due to its easy access and epic view of Half Dome. The lot can comfortably hold around a few dozen vehicles but tour buses do utilize it and take up some precious space.

Try to get here as early as possible to guarantee a parking spot (being here for sunrise is an experience all its own). It will fill up later in the day but people tend to come and go often. So worst case, you may have to circle around a couple times.

  • Pro tip: If you have extra energy to burn, the granite slope to the rear of the lot and across the road is climb worthy because at the top, epic views of both Half Dome and Tenaya Lake await. Don’t tell anyone that I told you.

5) Lembert Dome & Dog Lake Trail

Lembert Dome. Yosemite National Park.

Lembert Dome. Yosemite National Park.

Looming 800 feet above Tuolumne Meadows is Lembert Dome, one of the most recognizable landmarks on the east side. In case you’re wondering, yes you can hike up there and you’ll get amazing views of Tuolumne Meadows if you do.

On top of that, just behind Lembert, is a small hidden lake named Dog Lake. Why did they name it, “Dog?” I have no idea, but it’s beautiful regardless.

While this hike starts out on flat terrain, it soon turns into an uphill climb that will make you question your desire to complete the hike.

Once you get past that, though, the trail smooths out again (until you reach the dome, anyway). Despite the climb, it is completely doable as a family hike and the views will make it worth it.

  • Trail Length: 2.8 miles, RT for both Lembert and Dog Lake.

6) Tenaya Lake

Tenaya Lake. Yosemite National Park.

Tenaya Lake. Yosemite National Park.

Tenaya Lake is the largest and easily accessed of all Yosemite lakes. No hiking required. Simply find a parking spot in the lots at either end of the lake or find a spot along the shoulder.

In the dead of summer, the crowds here can get particularly large but still nowhere near the levels Yosemite Valley receives. To guarantee yourself a good spot on the lake itself, arrive early.

There’s an easy going trail that circles the lake. You won’t have to worry about ups and downs as it’s mostly flat but early on in the season you will encounter high water levels at the lake’s outlet on the west end. Late in the season, however, it’s a non-issue.

7) Pothole Dome

Gazing at Tuolumne Meadows from Pothole Dome. Yosemite.

Gazing at Tuolumne Meadows from Pothole Dome. Yosemite.

The easiest of all the domes, Pothole stands on the western end of Tuolumne Meadows and is mild in difficulty. It’s also hard to miss as it’s easily visible from the road.

From the parking lot (10-12 cars max) you’ll find the trail that takes you straight to it. As tempting as it may be to cut straight across, please keep to the trail. This area is part of a years long effort to grow more trees in the meadow.

Once you reach Pothole, simply find a section that looks to be in your comfort zone and go up. There’s no official path from this point. Alternatively, keep on the trail and it’ll eventually take you to beautiful cascades on the Tuolumne River.

  • Pro tip: Go as high as you can. The views of Tuolumne Meadows and Cathedral Peak are amazing from the top.

8) Mono Pass Trail

Mono Pass. Sardine Lake. Yosemite National Park.

Mono Pass. Sardine Lake. Yosemite National Park.

This hike falls under the category of sorta long but still moderate. It’s mostly flat until you reach the fork to Spillway Lake and starts to head up to Mono Pass at 10,599 feet.

Along the trail you’ll pass beautiful river streams, meadows, and shaded pines (until you reach the pass, that is). Once you pass the boundary of Yosemite and reach a rocky shelf, you’ll have an epic view of Sardine Lake and a slither of Mono Lake in the same frame.

  • Trail Length: 7.8 miles, RT if you go to the Sardine Lake overlook. 7.4 miles if you don’t.

  • Pro Tip: Shortly after arriving at the pass but before the lake you’ll see an unmarked trail spurring off to the right. Take it. A quarter mile in will reveal old 1800’s Miner cabins.

9) Tuolumne Meadows

Parsons Lodge. Tuolumne Meadows. Yosemite National Park.

Parsons Lodge. Tuolumne Meadows. Yosemite National Park.

Few things beat taking a stroll through the always beautiful, Tuolumne Meadows. It is probably the most tourist heavy attraction on this list but don’t fret, you’ll have plenty of elbow room.

Some notable features of Tuolumne Meadows are; frequent Deer & Bear sightings (mostly in the morning), the Merced River, Pothole Dome, Parsons Memorial Lodge, Soda Springs, and more!

  • Pro Tip: If you’re here in spring or early summer, bring mosquito repellant. Lots of it. You’re welcome.

10) Cathedral Lakes Trail

Lower Cathedral Lake. Yosemite National Park.

Lower Cathedral Lake. Yosemite National Park.

Rounding out the top 10 is the premier hike on the east side and easily one of the top hikes in the entire park; Cathedral Lakes. This one is mega popular among the Instagram crowd and is a regular stop along the JMT (John Muir Trail).

The trail is moderate but the first mile or so will be a steady uphill slog. You have two lakes to see, both worthy of your efforts. Lower Cathedral is the largest of the pair but Upper, in my opinion, wins in the scenery department. Doing both is worthy of the extra effort.

  • Trail Length: 7 miles, RT if doing one lake. 8 miles if doing both.


There you have it! The things that, in my eyes, are the 10 best things this side of the park has to offer. Many people pass up this up, with most of the love reserved for the valley and Glacier Point. As you can see in the photos above, that would be a mistake.

Tell me in the comments below if you’re planning a trip to the park and have any questions or feel I should’ve added something else. Also, please support the site by sharing this article with your friends and family. Thanks for reading.

Safe travels!

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Hike to North Dome and Indian Rock Arch in Yosemite National Park

While hiking Half Dome requires a permit and a great deal of planning, hiking neighboring North Dome requires nothing more than a drive up to the trailhead…

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products or services that I believe will add value to my readers.

A hiker on the North Dome trail in Yosemite.

While hiking Half Dome requires obtaining a permit and a great deal of planning and preparation, hiking neighboring North Dome requires nothing more than a drive up to the trailhead and strong legs.

Due to this, many see North Dome as an excellent alternative to Half Dome if you were unsuccessful in the permit lottery or if Half Dome is too daunting. There are no cables or climbing involved and best of all, you’ll be in a position to get one of the best views of Half Dome in the entire park.

So where is the trailhead for North Dome? What’s the parking situation like? Like to know what to expect on this trail? What’s Indian Rock Arch? I answer all of these questions and more in the post below. Let’s get into it.


North Dome Trailhead and Parking

The trailhead sign for North Dome and Indian Rock Arch in Yosemite.

Although you’re technically able to reach North Dome from the valley, the official trailhead is just off Tioga Road on Yosemite’s east side and can be found in the Porcupine Creek parking lot (do not confuse this with Porcupine Flat).

From Yosemite Valley, follow the signs to Highway 120. Ten miles after leaving the valley you’ll come upon Crane Flat. Turn right there and after twenty-five miles or so, you’ll arrive to the parking lot on your right.

From Yosemite’s east entrance, simply drive for about twenty miles after driving through the gate and you’ll reach Porcupine Creek on your left. If needed, there are pit toilets located in the parking lot.

As is the case with most Yosemite trailheads, the earlier you arrive, the better off you’ll be. I arrived to the trailhead at around 7am and there was only one other car. When I got back to my car after the hike, around 2pm, every spot was occupied.


The North Dome Trail

Moss covered trees on the North Dome trail in Yosemite National Park.

Much of the route to North Dome is your standard, albeit beautiful, walk in the woods. The scenery is stunning as you’re surrounded by hundreds of moss-covered trees and granite boulders.

You’re starting at 8,100 feet at the parking lot and you’ll work your way down to 7,540 feet at North Dome. While there will be some slight incline on the trail, you are ultimately going downward the whole time.

This is great on the way in and will feel like a breeze, but you’ll definitely feel it on your way back to the car (especially in the final mile or so). Total mileage, without taking the detour to Indian Rock Arch is 8.8 miles, round-trip. With the detour (highly recommended), you’ll add another mile or so.


Indian Rock Arch Detour

A photo of Indian Rock Arch in Yosemite National Park.

About 2/3rds of the way to North Dome, you’ll come across the half mile (one way) detour to Indian Rock Arch on your left. It is the ONLY natural granite arch located within Yosemite. The arch is about 15 feet tall and sits atop a hill with commanding views at the top.

My recommendation would be to take the detour on the way in, rather than on the way back. This way, you can save your energy and endurance for the elevation gain you’ll still need to navigate.


North Dome

A photo of Half Dome from the North Dome trail in Yosemite.

After checking out Indian Rock Arch, continue your way to North Dome. After another mile or so, you’ll come into a clearing and get your first glimpse of both North Dome and Half Dome in the distance. Don’t stop here, the views are just getting started.

Eventually, you’ll reach a point where it feels like you’ve lost the trail. You haven’t. Just keep Half Dome in your sights and stay to the left (down) and you’ll pick it back up again. If needed, there are typically cairns all over the place to help guide you.

A photo of North Dome from the North Dome trail in Yosemite.
Half Dome as seen from the North Dome trail in Yosemite.

After dropping down from the granite you were just on, you’ll once again find yourself surrounded by trees and will have lost sight of Half Dome. Keep with the trail and after a short while you’ll come to another clearing. Here, you’ve officially made it to North Dome.

Half Dome will have a commanding presence as you continue to work yourself down to North Dome’s precipice and on arrival, you’ll have an amazing view of not only Half Dome, but Tenaya Canyon and the many highlights of Yosemite Valley as well.


Things to Know About the North Dome Hike in Yosemite

A hiker on the North Dome trail in Yosemite National Park.

The trail is inaccessible in winter. The North Dome trail is on Yosemite’s east side on Tioga Road and due to heavy snowpack, this area of the park is closed in winter. Typically, it’ll open for the season at the end of May or beginning of June and closes with the first major snowfall of the year (typically late October/November).

North Dome isn’t easy, but it isn’t difficult either. You’ll be starting out at a higher elevation and work your way down, which is the easy part. Where it could get moderately challenging for some is on the way back out. As long as you’re prepared for this, you’ll do just fine.

North Dome itself is generally safe, but use common sense. North Dome doesn’t see the amount of hikers Half Dome does, so it isn’t overly slick. However, getting too close to the edge could result in a deadly slide into Tenaya Canyon or Yosemite Valley. Using footwear with good grip is advisable and of course, watch your footing.

It doesn’t get too crowded. It’s nowhere near as bad as the trails in the valley, such as the Mist Trail, or some of the neighboring trails on Tioga road (Cathedral Lakes, Tuolumne Meadows, etc). If you get an early start, you’ll likely have it mostly (or all) to yourself. Starting later will likely mean more people on the trail, though.

North Dome is NOT the same as Half Dome. There are no cables or climbing involved and it’s roughly half of the total milage as Half Dome. North Dome is a great alternative to those seeking similar views as Half Dome provides (albeit from a lower vantage point), but don’t want to bother with the red tape or the challenge of Half Dome.

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Glen Aulin: A Glorious Hiking Trail in Yosemite

I’m often asked by Yosemite first timers (friends and friends of friends) about which hiking trails in Yosemite should they hike during their visit…

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products or services that I believe will add value to my readers.

The White Cascades at Glen Aulin in Yosemite National Park.

I’m often asked by Yosemite first timers (friends and friends of friends) about which hiking trails in Yosemite should they hike during their visit. There are many beautiful hikes in Yosemite, but one of the few I recommend most often is the Glen Aulin trail, located in the Tuolumne Meadows area of the park.

Its not the easiest hike in Yosemite, nor is it the shortest, but it’s far from difficult and I’d say that as long as you and your family have hiked, a minimum, a few times, then you shouldn’t have any issue with Glen Aulin. It’s a straight shot and mostly level throughout, making it an ideal hike for families.

Before we get into it, you need to know that this trail is located in the high elevation area of Yosemite’s east side. This area of the park receives tons of snow in the winter, making it inaccessible during that time. If you want to hike the Glen Aulin trail, you’ll need to plan a summer or fall visit as the east gate typically opens in late May or early June.

However, even at those times, there could still be heavy snow pack along the trail. If you want to avoid snow and/or muddy conditions, I recommend visiting in late summer or in the fall when the weather is pleasant.

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get into it!


Glen Aulin Trailhead Parking

The trailhead sign at Tuolumne Meadows in Yosemite National Park.

The official trailhead for Glen Aulin begins just to the right of Parson’s Lodge and Soda Springs in the back-end Tuolumne Meadows. However, you must begin on the opposition side of the meadow, which adds some milage to your hike, but not a lot.

Unless you’re starting from the Lembert Dome area, there is no official parking lot for this hike. Some attempt to park on the side of the road, but you’re risking being cited and towed. I would play it safe and park in the visitor center parking lot across the street.


Glen Aulin Hiking Trail

The memorial bridge in Tuolumne Meadows in Yosemite National Park.

Once you’ve secured a spot, make sure there isn’t anything with a smell in your car or trunk, as this area sees a lot of bear activity. This includes food, drink, deodorant, etc. There are bear lockers everywhere in the area free to use.

To start your hike, cross the street and look out for the trailhead sign that lists Soda Springs, Glen Aulin and Waterwheel Falls (pictured above). You’ll want to follow the dirt path to the opposite end of Tuolumne Meadows.

The first notable feature you’ll encounter is the picturesque bridge spanning over the Tuolumne River. If you arrive early, do yourself a favor and get your pictures in now because on your way out it’ll likely be littered with tourists.

An open meadow on the way to Glen Aulin in Yosemite National Park.

After the bridge you’ll come across Parsons Lodge (slight left) and Soda Springs (slight right). Parson’s Lodge was built by the Sierra Club in 1915 as a memorial to Edward Taylor Parsons (club member and Yosemite advocate). Soda Springs is a mineral spring with a half cabin built around it.

Don’t spend too much time here, because you haven’t officially started the actual trail yet and still have a ways to go. Keep going past Soda Springs and the lodge and you’ll see signs pointing you toward Glen Aulin trail, proper.

Glen Aulin shares its trail with both the PCT and the JMT. So if you see signs for either or both, you’re going in the right direction.

A section of the Glen Aulin hiking trail in Yosemite National Park.

The first half-ish is fairly flat and straightforward. It’s clearly marked and well-maintained so there’s no real risk of going off-track. At around the three mile mark, you’ll come out into a beautiful meadow and lake that rivals Tuolumne Meadows (in my opinion).

Shortly after this point is where the trial starts to get a bit rocky and less maintained. However, the views continue to get better and better. For the next couple miles, you’re zig-zagging along beautiful cascades and have jaw dropping views of the granite mountains out in the distance.

The closer you get to Glen Aulin, the more spectacular the cascades get. I hiked this late in the season and the river was going strong. I could only imagine how it looks earlier in the season.


Tuolumne Falls

A photo of Tuolumne Falls on the Glen Aulin hiking trail in Yosemite.

Before reaching Glen Aulin, you’ll first find yourself at the beautiful Tuolumne Falls. This waterfall is simply breathtaking and worth spending some time at. Although no one was down there on my hike, I have heard of overheated hikers using the pool around the falls as a swimming hole. I would exercise caution if you decide to do so.

After soaking in the views and getting your pictures, continue down the trail. From here, you’re still another mile or so from your destination. This is where the drop in elevation will become more noticeable and trail becomes rockier than it was before. Watch your step and pace yourself, if needed.


White Cascades and Glen Aulin

A photo of Glen Aulin Falls on the Glen Aulin hiking trail in Yosemite.

This is one of those destinations that just sneak up on you. You’re wondering how much further you have to go and bam, you come off a slight descent and there it is, the beautiful Glen Aulin and White Cascade. The views in this area are simply stunning.

While there’s nothing wrong with enjoying the view from the initial side, you’ll want to keep going as the view is much better across the swimming hole. Head forward towards the bridge and cross it to get there.


Glen Aulin High Sierra Camp

A photo of Glen Aulin Falls in Yosemite National Park.

As you’re coming off the bridge, take a right and head over to the Glen Aulin High Sierra Camp. Everyone and anyone is free to hang out around the camp and the swimming hole, but access to the tents and restrooms are only for registered guests.

The Glen Aulin High Sierra Camp is one of five camps scattered throughout some of Yosemite’s most popular locations. You can attain one by entering the annual lottery and crossing your fingers that you win one. Rates for the Glen Aulin Camp in 2024 are as follows:

  • $175 per night (Adults)

  • $90 per night (Children)

Rates include a stay in one of the tents, along with dinner and breakfast, with lunch available as an option for an additional charge. Bookings are available for stays from July 4 - September 7, 2024. You can get more information here. Keep in mind that each tent can fit four people and they will fill it. Depending on your party size, you may be sharing it with others.

The best part of the Glen Aulin High Sierra Camp is you’re camping directly next to the gorgeous White Cascades and swimming hole. Imagine waking up to that sight every morning and enjoying a prepared breakfast next to a fire. That beats any hotel I can think of.


Glen Aulin Hiking Tips

A section of the Tuolumne River along the Glen Aulin hiking trail in Yosemite.

This trail gets crowded. For starters, the trailhead begins in Tuolumne Meadows, one of the most tourist-heavy areas of Yosemite. Additionally, it shares its trail with the PCT and JMT. The earlier you can get started, the better.

It’s a moderate level of difficulty. It’s not a difficult hike by any means, but it is on the longer side and rocky in the latter half. That said, it’s mostly level, straight forward, clearly marked and well-maintained. Just be prepared for the length of it and you’ll be fine.

This trail is seasonal. The Glen Aulin trail is located in Yosemite’s high elevation area and thus, receives a heavy amount of snow in the winter, making it inaccessible. The entire east side closes during this time. So plan a summer or fall visit if you want to hike Glen Aulin.

Bears do frequent this area. Bears are all over Yosemite. However, they tend to hang around Tuolumne Meadows and this trail quit a bit. I didn’t see any during my hike, but you might. If you do encounter a bear, make lots of noise to alert it of your presence, give the bear plenty of space and you’ll be fine.

Watch out for the pack horses! Supplies get down to Glen Aulin High Sierra Camp via pack horses. I encountered them 3 times on my hike. Keep an eye out for them and give them the right of way. You also may want to watch your footing after they pass, for obvious reasons.

Planning a trip to Yosemite? If it’s your first visit, be sure to read 10 Awesome Things to Do in Yosemite Valley on Your First Visit. Additionally, read Tunnel View: How to See the Most Iconic View in Yosemite for an epic view you won’t want to miss. Finally, if you’re thinking of hiking Half Dome, read How to Hike Half Dome: The Complete First Timers Guide.


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4 Reasons Why You Should NOT Hike Half Dome

I hiked Half Dome with my brother back in 2017 and it was the most thrilling experience of my life at the time. Hiking 8 miles (mostly uphill), a 400-foot climb up the cables

I hiked Half Dome with my brother in 2017 and it was the most thrilling experience of my life at the time. Hiking 8 miles (mostly uphill), a 400-foot climb up the cables, standing at the top, and being able to look down on Yosemite Valley is an experience that’s hard to describe.

As incredible as it was, it came at a price. As my brother and I were making our way up Sub Dome, I realized how truly unprepared we were. Don’t get me wrong, I THOUGHT we were prepared but truth be told, we probably had no business being up there. That’s a tough pill to swallow, but it’s the truth.

All went well, though. We made it to the top without any major problems and managed to make it back to the car despite being low on energy and close to dehydration. I knew the experience of hiking Half Dome would make for an awesome addition to this blog (you can read that article here) but I started thinking, “what about the other part of it that no one talks about”?

The “part” I’m referring to is instead of encouraging everyone and anyone to hike Half Dome, what if I gave people reasons why they SHOULDN’T hike it? That’s the purpose of this article. We all know the reasons why you should, but there are plenty of reasons why you shouldn’t. So read on to find out the four reasons why you should NOT hike Half Dome.

1) It can be dangerous

Half Dome. Yosemite National Park.

Half Dome. Yosemite National Park.

I’m not going to sugarcoat it, there is potential, life-threatening danger on this hike. Truth be told, you’ll find danger in anything you do. Just driving to the trailhead is more dangerous (statistically speaking). That’s why I’m saying it CAN be dangerous. I believe most of the danger can be mitigated as long as you’re prepared for it.

That said, people have died on this hike. They’ve died both on the trail and on the cables. As of 2019 (2020 numbers have not be listed yet) there have been:

  • At least 13 deaths

  • 291 accidents

  • & 140 search & rescue missions

This is just since 2005. Thankfully, there were no confirmed deaths on Half Dome in 2020. The most recent was in 2019 when a young women from Arizona slipped on the steepest part of the climb and slid 500 feet to her death.

Weather also plays a role in the level of danger. The granite is smooth and slick from all the hiking boots that’s traversed over it over the years and when it rains, it becomes incredibly dangerous to attempt an ascent or descent. You do NOT want to be up top (or even on the base) when lightning strikes.

2) You have a medical condition

Half Dome. Yosemite.

Half Dome. Yosemite.

If you have vertigo, are prone to seizures, have heart or lung problems, bad knees, etc, you shouldn’t hike Half Dome. Vertigo, especially, can cause a fatal accident to occur. Most of the hike takes place on your standard hiking trail but towards the end, you’ll need to navigate your way up Sub Dome and a 400-foot climb up the cables.

Hiking Half Dome with heart issues also wouldn’t be wise. In 1995, a man from Huntington Beach collapsed from heart failure as he was making his way up the cables and fell. There have been others who have had heart attacks while hiking but thankfully survived their ordeal.

Half Dome isn’t worth your life or making your condition worse. There are many trails in Yosemite that are just as spectacular that wouldn’t put you in unnecessary risk. North Dome, for example, is an excellent alternative that ends with any epic view of Half Dome. You can read that article here.

3) You have a low level of fitness

Half Dome cables. Yosemite.

Half Dome cables. Yosemite.

While being a top level athlete isn’t required, being in at least decent shape is. One way you can find out how in “hiking” shape you are would be to go for a hike on an easier trail and pay attention to your breathing. If you’re huffing and puffing, then Half Dome is too dangerous.

Thankfully, this is something that can be overcome. If you’re serious about hiking Half Dome start training MONTHS before, even a year! The sooner the better. Join a gym and utilize a stair master and squat press. Go hiking regularly and keep upping the difficulty. The higher elevation you train at, the better prepared you’ll be.

4) You’re inexperienced

Half Dome. Yosemite National Park.

Half Dome. Yosemite National Park.

This one is pretty self explanatory and like the reason above, can also be overcome. If you’re new to hiking, starting with Half Dome wouldn’t be ideal. Your best bet would be to start out small. Like your local park, for example. If you’re coming to Yosemite, some good beginner trails would be:

  • The Mist Trail (Challenging, but still beginner friendly)

  • Cook’s Meadow

  • Elizabeth Lake

  • Lembert Dome

  • Cathedral Lakes

Once you’ve put a few of these (or others) under your belt, you can start hiking the more difficult ones that’ll challenge you to up your game and test your resolve. Some of those Yosemite trails include:

  • Upper Yosemite Falls

  • Four Mile Trail

  • Cloud’s Rest

If you can tackle one of these without feeling like you’re going to fall over at any moment, chances are good that you’re ready for Half Dome. If not, then I would definitely stick with the easier ones mentioned above (there’s no shame in it).

Remember, it isn’t just your safety at risk, but you could be putting the safety of other hikers and Park Rangers (if they have to come help you) at risk as well.

= Conclusion =

I hope you’ve found this article helpful in deciding whether Half Dome is a good fit for you. If none of these apply to you then great, get at it. If one does, then remember that NO hike is worth your life and there’s absolutely no shame in admitting when something’s out of your comfort zone. In fact, it’s a respectable trait.

Safe travels.

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How to Make a Day Reservation for Yosemite National Park

Back in March of 2020 when the pandemic began to take hold in the United States, movie theatres, shops, theme parks, and the like…

3 minute read | contains affiliate links

*GREAT NEWS! Effective January 2023, day-use reservations to enter Yosemite National Park will no longer be required. Standard park entry fees still apply.

Check out our other Yosemite related posts below to start planning your trip!

Back in March 2020 when the pandemic began to take hold, movie theaters, restaurants, and more began closing in an effort to slow the spread. Yosemite was no different.

A couple months later when officials deemed it safe to reopen, they did so with the caveat that all visitors must have a confirmed reservation. This way, park officials could control crowd levels.

This continued throughout the summer season and ended in September 2020. Due to the program’s success, park officials decided to renew the policy for the 2021 season.

In 2022, as of May 20th and through September 30th, you will either need a day use reservation or one of the various alternatives if you’re arriving between the hours of 6am - 4pm.

This year, the reservation system is more about the multiple construction projects going on throughout the park and less to do with covid-19.

If you’re certain you’ll be arriving between that ten hour timeframe and will need a reservation, the information we curated below will benefit you.

How To Make A Reservation

How to Make a Day Reservation for Yosemite National Park (2022)

Day use reservations are made via Recreation.gov. Make sure to set up an account and you’re signed in before attempting to get a reservation.

They go quickly, so saving yourself these steps now could make all the difference.

If you’re using a mobile device, download the app as it tends to work better than the website. Follow the steps below to secure your reservation.

  • In the search bar type in, “Yosemite National Park ticketed entry” and then click/tap, “day use entry”.

  • Click/tap, “select date”. If reservations are available on the day you want, the box will be highlighted blue. If not, it’ll be gray. Select your day and hit, “select tickets”.

  • Then, you’ll select your ticket type. If you have one of the various passes that grants free entry, select “vehicle”, as later on in the process you’ll have the chance to select your pass.

  • From this point, you’ll have 15 minutes to complete the reservation.

  • On the next page you’ll verify your information and add your annual pass (if you have one). You’ll see a box that says, “add a pass”. Tap that, select your pass, and proceed to the next page.

  • Then, you’ll see your total. If you have or will purchase one of the annual passes, you’ll see the vehicle fee removed from your total with only the reservation fee remaining.

  • On the final page, you’ll pay the fees and receive your confirmation.


Yosemite Reservation Fees

The only fee associated with the reservations is the $2 processing fee but keep in mind that this is in ADDITION to the $35 entry fee. If you’re a holder of one of the various annual or lifetime passes, then your only cost will be the $2 fee.

How to Make a Day Reservation for Yosemite National Park (2022)

Other Types of Reservations

The above will apply to most people visiting the park. However, there are a few other ways one could secure a reservation without needing one. They are as follows:

  • An Upper Pines Campground reservation

  • A Yosemite Valley Lodge or Ahwahnee room reservation

  • Private lodging or rental in Wawona, Foresta, or Yosemite West

  • A Yosemite wilderness permit

  • A commercial-use authorization

  • A Half Dome permit

Whether you have one of the above reservations or a traditional day-use, you will need to provide proof of such by presenting your confirmation and photo ID at the gate.

You’ll pay your entrance fee (if applicable) and be given a permit that’s valid for three (3) consecutive days with unlimited re-entries. You will NOT need a reservation for each day, just the arrival date.

Visiting Without a Reservation

How to Make a Day Reservation for Yosemite National Park (2022)

If you weren’t able to get a reservation, the only other way is to visit the park by arriving on a YARTS bus (Yosemite Area Regional Transportation System), on bicycle, on foot, or on horseback.

You can also make it a point to arrive before 6am or after 4pm. Just keep in mind that if you arrive between those hours, even by a few minutes, the reservation policy will be enforced.

How to Make a Day Reservation for Yosemite National Park (2022)

How Dates Are Released

As of March 23rd, 2022, 70% of reservations will become available for purchase. The remaining 30% will be released seven days prior.

So for example; if you wanted to visit the park on June 7th and you weren’t able to get one ahead of time, more reservations will be released on June 1st.

If you’re still not able to secure one, keep looking. Cancellations do happen. If there’s still slots open, you could get one (theoretically) the day before.

How to Make a Day Reservation for Yosemite National Park (2022)

Additional Tips

  • Keep an eye out for cancellations! Canceled dates are released the same day they become available. So if you haven’t been able to get the day you want, keep checking. A cancellation may pop up.

  • You must arrive on the day on your reservation. You’ll get a permit that’s valid for three consecutive days at the gate. However, you MUST arrive on the FIRST day listed on your confirmation. If you don’t, you’ll be denied entry.

  • Each vehicle MUST have its own reservation. It won’t matter if you’re the same party. If you arrive in two or more separate vehicles, an occupant in each vehicle will require their own reservation.

  • You have a specific window of time to arrive. Day use reservation holders must arrive after 5am on their arrival date and leave the park by 11pm. Other things to keep in mind; there will be NO same-day reservation options and reservations cannot be sold or transferred to another person.

A Quick Note…

We’re often asked about the equipment we use to capture the photos on our website. Below, we’ve added Amazon links to those products and others that we recommend. 

If you decide to purchase, Amazon will pay us a small commission. This helps us keep Inked with Wanderlust running and doesn’t cost you anything extra.

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